Dragon Age: Cullen Lion Helm

When the trailers for Dragon Age Inquisition first came out, many of us were quite ecstatic to see Cullen wearing this beautiful, shining lion helm! While the helm never made it into the final game, it's still considered to be... eh, "canon enough" for Ser Rutherford.

My friend Allen (of Allen Amis Creations) and I wanted to bring this concept helm to life, so we teamed up. I crafted the sculpture, and he handles molding and casting.

Sculpture in progress Sculpture in progress Sculpture in progress

Sculptures never start out looking too impressive, but it's important to get the overall shape and symmetry right before moving on to detail work.

Sculpture in progress Sculpture in progress

This is the final sculpture. There are a couple of pieces I pre-made and cast in resin to ensure they'd be identical on both sides. It's a little trick I describe here: Tip: Using Pre-made Objects while Sculpting

Cast resin helm Cast resin helm, painted to resemble iron

Allen has castings of the helm available over in his shop, AllenAmisCreations on Etsy. The beautiful silver version of the helm was also finished by him.

Categories: Collaborations, Costuming, Masks and Props
Tags: cast, cosplay, costume, Cullen, Dragon Age, helm, helmet, Inquisition, lion, prop, resin, sculpture, Ser Cullen Rutherford
Live Date: 12/29/2015 | Last Modified: 12/28/2015