Human Skull Mask

It may only be the end of August, but I've already got a certain holiday on the brain. I figured it was a good time to add a nice, realistic human skull mask to my inventory! I call it "Smiley".

Human skull mask sculpture - front view Human skull mask sculpture - side view

This one was kind of a speed sculpt! I wanted to see how quickly I could take a relatively simple mask from conception to reality. The sculpture you see above, done in Monster Clay, is not quite finished, but I got to moving too quick and forgot to take pictures of the smoothed, refined version before I started molding it!

Mold in progress Mold in progress Completed mold

It follows my fairly standard process of molding - two initial layers of Rebound 25 silicone brushed on to capture all of the details, two more layers thickened with Thi-Vex (kind of "spatula'd" on like I was icing a very strange cake!) with a few mold keys (not shown) added, and then one final non-thickened layer to pretty up the surface and make sure there were no air pockets around my mold keys. FreeForm Air is used as the mother mold shell, in two halves, to hold the silicone's shape when the mold is cast. The final photo shows the interior of the finished mold.

Human skull cast resin mask blank

And here's the cast version, done in Smooth-Cast 65D! It's a good look for me, I think. :)

Categories: Costuming, Currently Available For Sale, Masks and Props
Tags: cast, creepy, death, Ghost Rider, grim reaper, Halloween, horror, human, mask, monster, Murray, Red Skull, resin, scary, skeleton, Skeletor, SmoothCast 65D, spooky, zombie
Live Date: 8/28/2014 | Last Modified: 2/21/2023