All Sorts of Modular 3D Dungeon Models

Sarrah Wilkinson - 3/29/2022

When making a whole bunch of assets, it seems the best way to do it is:

  1. Brainstorm a list of everything that might be in a dungeon
  2. Make a piece
  3. Repeat Step 2 a LOT

I'm up to a count of 62 pieces now, so I figured it was time to show a few off! Here, you can see the featured treasure chest, as well as a nice raised plinth to draw attention to it. Books might not be the most common dungeon feature, but hidden arcane libraries certainly are! Add in a few weapons and light sources, as well as just a hint of what one of the roof pieces look like, and you've got some fun progress.

The nice thing with a set like this is that it can be used with and without roof pieces. You can make a first person adventure from the character's point of view, or an isometric third person camera that looks down from above. A modular set like this works great for either style.

Once I begin moving pieces into Unity, the scenes will really come alive. The set will include some particle effects for things like candle flames and torches, as well as some other fun treats. Additionally, I'll set up point lights for any light source so said candles and torches will also give off a flickering glow to add to the ambiance.

A set of low poly game assets - three treasure chests and five pots in various styles.

I want to make sure there's a nice variety of decorations with which to fill up a video game dungeon! Three sizes of chests give a sense of how important their contents might be. Here, you can also see a set of pots and jugs, some with removable lids, that you can either use as another spot to hide treasure - or just as a decorative background item.

The same set of treasure chests and pots from the last screenshot, but shown in wireframe mode.

Here are the same pieces in wireframe, so you can get an idea how they're put together. This set utilizes a single texture - a color atlas - for every piece, to keep draw calls to a minimum. It also means you can change out the texture and instantly give the whole dungeon a completely different look! (In other words, the walls don't have to be purple - I just like them that way as an example.)

That's all for now. I'll share more soon!

Categories: Games
Tags: 3d modeling, blender, dungeon, game, game assets, game dev, game development, indie, low poly, modular, pots, treasure chest, Unity
Live Date: 3/29/2022 | Last Modified: 3/29/2022