Arizona Fence Lizards

If you live in the American southwest, you're probably used to seeing all kinds of reptiles sunning themselves on fences. Just don't startle the big ones - they've been known to cause property damage, if only accidentally! Come to think of it, I'd better check and make sure our insurance covers acts of big, lazy fence dragons...

In any case, this is our official exclusive for Phoenix Comicon 2013, which is coming up Memorial Day weekend, May 23rd - 26th. This year, they introduced guidelines for exclusives, so the quality (and rarity) of official exclusives will be even better this year than it has been in the past. We just got the prints done, a limited run of 100 copies, 11" x 17", each one signed and hand-numbered. If you happen to be at the show, drop by booth #697 to pick one up!

If you have a chance to get to Phoenix Comicon, I definitely recommend it! It is an amazing show, attracting some really great guests (they're having an all-out Babylon 5-a-thon this year), and we're ridiculously excited about it.

Categories: Artwork, By Subject, By Type, Convention Exclusives, Digital Artwork, Fantasy, Just Dragons!
Tags: brick, cactus, desert, dragon, exclusive, fantasy, fence, lizard, orange, Phoenix Comicon 2013, PhxCC, prickly pear, reptiles, sky, tan, wall
Live Date: 3/17/2013 | Last Modified: 3/17/2013