Fern the FrogGoyle

Fern is a bit more like one of those agile tropical frogs than old Filbert is. She's got long legs and widespread wings, and looks just about ready to take a wild leap! Seriously, I just love her feet.

Fern is made from a particular type of polymer clay with flecks of color in it that make it resemble granite. I also did some texturing on the surface and a wash of black acrylic to bring out the details, as well as some touches of mossy green.

She was adopted from my Etsy store on 11/20/2012!

Fern the FrogGoyle - Polymer clay frog gargoyle, front and back view Fern the FrogGoyle - Polymer clay frog gargoyle Fern the FrogGoyle - Polymer clay frog gargoyle, side views

Categories: Artwork, By Subject, By Type, Fantasy, Humorous / Whimsical, Traditional Art/Sculpture
Tags: crittergoyle, frog, gargoyle, granite, handmade, polymer clay, rock, sculpture, stone, toad
Live Date: 8/26/2012 | Last Modified: 8/26/2012