Shelly the SquirrelGoyle

Shelly is a sweet little squirrel gargoyle with an interesting story!

Unnamed SquirrelGoyle - Polymer clay squirrel gargoyle

I had made another squirrel gargoyle in a similar pose for a special request, and sent him off to his new home. After a couple of days, the post office said he was undeliverable and would be returned to me! Because I wasn't sure how long that would take, I crafted a second squirrel gargoyle, this little cutie, to be sent out to my commissioner. However, just before she was ready to be mailed, the original package was delivered. Great news!

However, that means that Shelly here needed a home. She's crouched down so her front paws dangle just over the edge of a shelf. She's just under 3" from nose to tail, about 2" high at the tallest point of her tail, and has a wingspan of 2.75". She also has her 'year of birth', 2015, inscribed on her belly.

My crittergoyles are a fun blend of rock and living creature, not to mention a genuinely unique piece of artwork for your collection! They are one-of-a-kind, handmade sculptures, crafted from a special polymer clay which resembles granite stone. I subtly texture the surface and use acrylic paint to bring out the details, enhance the look of the "stone", and to add mossy coloration. They are coated with a matte finishing spray to protect the finished sculpture and paint job.

Shelly was adopted at Tucson Comic Con, 2015.

Categories: Artwork, By Subject, By Type, Fantasy, Humorous / Whimsical, Traditional Art/Sculpture
Tags: crittergoyle, gargoyle, granite, handmade, polymer clay, rock, rodent, sculpture, Shelly the Squirrelgoyle, squirrel, stone
Live Date: 7/17/2015 | Last Modified: 7/17/2015